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How Would Obama's Father Being Muslim Have Affected The Election?

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How Would Obama's Father Being Muslim Have Affected The Election?

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

How Would Obama's Father Being Muslim Have Affected The Election?

[Source: Nascar News]

How Would Obama's Father Being Muslim Have Affected The Election?

[Source: Murder News]

How Would Obama's Father Being Muslim Have Affected The Election?

[Source: 11 Alive News]

How Would Obama's Father Being Muslim Have Affected The Election?

[Source: Television News]

How Would Obama's Father Being Muslim Have Affected The Election?

[Source: Channel 6 News]

posted by 77767 @ 5:42 PM, ,


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What's the administration's specific aim in bailing out GM? I'll give you my theory later.

For now, though, some background. First and most broadly, it doesn't make sense for America to try to maintain or enlarge manufacturing as a portion of the economy. Even if the U.S. were to seal its borders and bar any manufactured goods from coming in from abroad -- something I don't recommend -- we'd still be losing manufacturing jobs. That's mainly because of technology.

When we think of manufacturing jobs, we tend to imagine old-time assembly lines populated by millions of blue-collar workers who had well-paying jobs with good benefits. But that picture no longer describes most manufacturing. I recently toured a U.S. factory containing two employees and 400 computerized robots. The two live people sat in front of computer screens and instructed the robots. In a few years this factory won't have a single employee on site, except for an occasional visiting technician who repairs and upgrades the robots.

Factory jobs are vanishing all over the world. Even China is losing them. The Chinese are doing more manufacturing than ever, but they're also becoming far more efficient at it. They've shuttered most of the old state-run factories. Their new factories are chock full of automated and computerized machines. As a result, they don't need as many manufacturing workers as before.

Economists at Alliance Capital Management took a look at employment trends in 20 large economies and found that between 1995 and 2002 -- before the asset bubble and subsequent bust -- 22 million manufacturing jobs disappeared. The U.S. wasn't even the biggest loser. We lost about 11 percent of our manufacturing jobs in that period, but the Japanese lost 16 percent of theirs. Even developing nations lost factory jobs: Brazil suffered a 20 percent decline, and China had a 15 percent drop.

What happened to manufacturing? In two words, higher productivity. As productivity rises, employment falls because fewer people are needed. In this, manufacturing is following the same trend as agriculture. A century ago, almost 30 percent of adult Americans worked on a farm. Nowadays, fewer than 5 percent do. That doesn't mean the U.S. failed at agriculture. Quite the opposite. American agriculture is a huge success story. America can generate far larger crops than a century ago with far fewer people. New technologies, more efficient machines, new methods of fertilizing, better systems of crop rotation, and efficiencies of large scale have all made farming much more productive.

Manufacturing is analogous. In America and elsewhere around the world, it's a success. Since 1995, even as manufacturing employment has dropped around the world, global industrial output has risen more than 30 percent.

More after the jump.

--Robert Reich



[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]


[Source: Market News]


[Source: News Leader]


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[Source: Channel 6 News]


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[Source: State News]

posted by 77767 @ 5:40 PM, ,

"Push Harder"

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Jon Cohn sees an increased Obama emphasis on cost-controls in healthcare reform. Ezra seconds:

The MedPAC changes under discussion are, in other words, nothing less
than a new process for health care cost reforms. They empower experts
who won't be intimidated by the intricacy of the issues and sidestep
the filibuster's ability to halt change in its tracks.  MedPAC, of course, is restricted to Medicare. But there's little doubt
that where Medicare leads, the health care industry follows.

"Push Harder"

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

"Push Harder"

[Source: News Station]

"Push Harder"

[Source: China News]

"Push Harder"

[Source: Wb News]

"Push Harder"

[Source: October News]

posted by 77767 @ 4:37 PM, ,

Host At Center Of Waterboarding Controversy May Lose Affiliate

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After Faux Waterboarding, Mancow Appears To Lose DC

How's this for interesting timing? Less than a week after an ill-advised "waterboarding" stunt led to a supposed ideological conversion, shock jock turned syndicated talk host Erich 'Mancow' Muller has apparently lost a key radio affiliate.

According to DCRTV, as well as one of your Radio Equalizer's own sources, the Chicago-based Mancow will be removed later this month from his morning drive slot on DC's WTNT-AM (Freedom 570):

DC Times Radio Show To TNT? - 6/1 - DCRTV hears that the most likely spot on the DC radio dial for the new Washington Times morning radio show is Red Zebra righty talker WTNT (570 AM).

The WTNT morning slot is currently occupied by the Chicago-based Mancow. The nationally syndicated Times news and political talk radio show debuts on 6/15 from studios at the Times' New York Avenue headquarters.

Expected to take Mancow's place in DC is a new program featuring former KSFO / San Francisco morning host Melanie Morgan teamed with John McCaslin of the Washington Times:

Longtime radio personality Melanie Morgan and award-winning newspaper columnist John McCaslin have been named the anchors for The Washington Times' new morning-drive radio show, set to debut nationwide June 15.

"America's Morning News" will hit the airwaves from 6 to 9 a.m., five days a week, showcasing The Times' investigative and accountability journalism. The new team will hash out politics, defense, security, policy, culture and entertainment from a newly built, state-of-the-art broadcast facility inside The Times' newsroom.

"Melanie and John will leverage every ounce of expertise, energy and gumshoe reporting out of The Times' investigative newsroom. They know how to break stories that matter to the American public, are passionate about holding the powerful to account and are committed to unearthing the stories that matter most to Americans - at the dinner table, by the water cooler and inside their pocketbook," Executive Editor John Solomon said.

Both Mancow and the new program have a syndicator in common, the Oregon-based Talk Radio Network.

Whether there's a direct
connection between the sudden station loss and last week's waterboarding stunt, widely derided as a stunt despite (or because of) Keith Olbermann's ringing endorsement isn't known. But the backlash over what may have been an outright hoax certainly hasn't helped his career, that's for sure.

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Host At Center Of Waterboarding Controversy May Lose Affiliate

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Host At Center Of Waterboarding Controversy May Lose Affiliate

[Source: Msnbc News]

posted by 77767 @ 4:01 PM, ,

Daughter of Billy Bob Thornton Arrested in Baby's Death

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Billy Bob Thornton

The oldest daughter of Billy Bob Thornton has been charged with child neglect in the death of a 1-year-old baby under her care.

Amanda Brumfield was arrested Friday and charged with child neglect causing harm or disability, the Associated Press reports. Brumfield was released from custody Saturday after posting $2,500 bail.

Brumfield, 29, told Ocoee, Fla., police that a girl she was babysitting in October 2008 fell ...

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Daughter of Billy Bob Thornton Arrested in Baby's Death

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Daughter of Billy Bob Thornton Arrested in Baby's Death

[Source: Sun News]

posted by 77767 @ 3:54 PM, ,

How Would Obama's Father Being Muslim Have Affected The Election?

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How Would Obama's Father Being Muslim Have Affected The Election?

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

How Would Obama's Father Being Muslim Have Affected The Election?

[Source: Nascar News]

How Would Obama's Father Being Muslim Have Affected The Election?

[Source: Murder News]

How Would Obama's Father Being Muslim Have Affected The Election?

[Source: News 4]

How Would Obama's Father Being Muslim Have Affected The Election?

[Source: Mexico News]

How Would Obama's Father Being Muslim Have Affected The Election?

[Source: Chocolate News]

posted by 77767 @ 2:36 PM, ,

Dick Cheney comes out again for gay marriage: "I think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish."

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Last week, Ted Olson. Today, Dick Cheney:

Dick Cheney rarely takes a position that places him at a more progressive tilt than President Obama. But on Monday, the former vice president did just that, saying that he supports gay marriage as long as it is deemed legal by state and not federal government.

Speaking at the National Press Club for the Gerald R. Ford Foundation journalism awards, Cheney was asked about recent rulings and legislative action in Iowa and elsewhere that allowed for gay couples to legally wed.

"I think that freedom means freedom for everyone," replied the former V.P. "As many of you know, one of my daughters is gay and it is something we have lived with for a long time in our family. I think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish. Any kind of arrangement they wish. The question of whether or not there ought to be a federal statute to protect this, I don't support. I do believe that the historically the way marriage has been regulated is at the state level. It has always been a state issue and I think that is the way it ought to be handled, on a state-by-state basis. ... But I don't have any problem with that. People ought to get a shot at that."

We hate Dick Cheney here at AMERICAblog.com. Hate him. But, even a broken clock is right twice a day. And, as Sam Stein, who wrote the article above, notes, this statement make Cheney more progressive than Obama on marriage equality. If Cheney can support marriage equality, there's really no excuse for Obama and other leading Congressional Democrats.

Cheney has been using similar language since 2004, when he broke with his boss, George Bush, over the constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage:

At a campaign rally in this Mississippi River town, Cheney spoke supportively about gay relationships, saying ?Sfreedom means freedom for everyone,? when asked about his stand on gay marriage.

?SLynne and I have a gay daughter, so it?"s an issue our family is very familiar with,? Cheney told an audience that included his daughter. ?SWith the respect to the question of relationships, my general view is freedom means freedom for everyone. ... People ought to be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to.

?SThe question that comes up with the issue of marriage is what kind of official sanction or approval is going to be granted by government? Historically, that?"s been a relationship that has been handled by the states. The states have made that fundamental decision of what constitutes a marriage,? he said.

And, Congress should stay out of it. But, in 1996, President Clinton signed into law the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which put the federal government in a position to regulate marriages at the state level. DOMA needs to go.

And, this further confirms all the polling that shows when people know someone gay, it makes them more likely to be supportive of issues like marriage equality. Frankly, I don't think Dick with be with us absent that. But, he is -- and here's the video. Cheney almost sounds human:

Dick Cheney comes out again for gay marriage: "I think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish."

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Dick Cheney comes out again for gay marriage: "I think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish."

[Source: Newspaper]

Dick Cheney comes out again for gay marriage: "I think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish."

[Source: News]

posted by 77767 @ 1:08 PM, ,


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